Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

WyverN's Litany

lost sky dragon,
protector of the ancient elements,
leader of winged creatures,
guardian of earth and heaven,
whose wings cover the heavens gate,
whose fang and claw’s shielded earth,

lost sky dragon,
whose greatness known all over earth and heaven,
the one who guide all the mortals and the angels,

lost sky dragon,

who has been known for its bravery,
protecting earth and heaven,

who has been known for its loyalty,
guarding the gate of heaven and earth,

who has been known for its sagacity,
guiding mortals and angels,

who has been known for its sincerity,
shielding earth from chaos,

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

Earth WyverN

Earth WyverN

Western tremor from the earth warrior
Guarding those who are solid

Son of Gaea, dragon of earth
Protector of the western region
Endowed by the spirit of earth
Blessed by the power of Earth
Guided by Atlas

Guardian of dependence
Soldier of quaking terra
The WyverN of earth
Heir of the earth dragon

O, descendant of Gaea
The god of earth and creation
Guide those who favour you
Protect them from vain
Bless them with the power of earth
Let the earth tremor be the power of their soul
Let Atlas blessed them with his power
Let Earth be their guiding star
Guide their soul
Protect them

Wind WyverN

Wind WyverN

Eastern breeze from the wind warrior
Guarding those who are pure

Son of Thor, dragon of wind
Protector of the eastern region
Endowed by the spirit of wind
Blessed by the power of Jupiter
Guided by Zephyr

Guardian of purity
Soldier of gust storm
The WyverN of wind
Heir of the wind dragon

O, descendant of Thor
The god of wind and storm
Guide those who favour you
Protect them from vain
Bless them with the power of wind
Let the wind breeze be the power of their soul
Let Zephyr blessed them with his power
Let Jupiter be their guiding star
Guide their soul
Protect them

Fire WyverN

Fire wyvern

Southern flame from the flame warrior
Guarding those who are brave

Son of Ares, dragon of fire
Protector of the southern region
Endowed by the spirit of flame
Blessed by the power of Mars
Guided by Ifrit

Guardian of courage
Soldier of raging blaze
The WyverN of flame
Heir of the fire dragon

O, descendant of Ares
The god of flame and war
Guide those who favour you
Protect them from vain
Bless them with the power of fire
Let the fire flame be the power of their soul
Let Ifrit blessed them with his power
Let Mars be their guiding star
Guide their soul
Protect them

Water WyverN

Water WyverN

Northern pulse from the water warrior

Guarding those who are wise

Son of Hermes, dragon of water

Protector of the northern region

Endowed by the spirit of water

Blessed by the power of Mercury

Guided by Undine

Guardian of wisdom

Soldier of frozen abyss

The WyverN of water

Heir of the water dragon

O, descendant of Hermes

The god of water and knowledge

Guide those who favour you

Protect them from vain

Bless them with the power of water

Let the water current be the power of their soul

Let Undine blessed them with his power

Let Mercury be their guiding star

Guide their soul

Protect them