Selasa, 24 Maret 2009


Push it and you’ll refreshed

A button that solve the entire problem

A button for machine
Not a button for life

Life has no reset button
Nothing can be re-done in life

If life has reset button
How I want to press it

Reset my life from the start
Re-live my life from the beginning
Start all over again
Start a new beginning

Just press the reset…
And you can relax…

Oh how I want to press the reset button
Set my entire life again
From the start all over

Solution for all problems
All the problems in machine

Life has no reset button
But I want to push the reset button
To start all over again
From scratch

Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

dim memories

The memories that become dim
The memories that flickering
The memories that become blur

What shall I do?
What must I do?
What musn’t I do?

Everything became dim
Everything became blur
Everything became fragile

Shall I trade my soul?
Shall I trade my life?
Shall i trade my all?

To make it clear again
To make it brighter
To make it real

Shall I?
Can I?
Must I?

lost crimson rose

Lost emotion

Where should I find it?

The soul that has lost

Where does it wander for sanctuary?

Lost emotion

Where does it hide?

Lost crimson rose

With what shall I get you back?

Lost crimson rose

Lost emotion

Can I find it again?

Will it become lost forever?

Will I become lost

In desperation

In time and space

In darkness

In loneliness

O, lost crimson rose

Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

desert in throat

welcome... my hell of sorethroat
has the time come for you to torture me again
should i do anything to banish you
potion won't affect you
spells and incantation is no use against you
darker than the darkest shadow
more evil than the devil himself
the desert you brought to my throat
the damp you vanguish from my neck
O, agony of sorethroat
must you come again
need you pained me
have i done a sin
should i repent my self with this
with this torture
with this agony
shall purgatory cleansed my throat
need i walk through this cup of madness
shall i see the end of this torture