Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009


mighty Helios, your shift is over
serene Luna, your time has come

let the sun light be erased from this land
let the moon light ray this blessed zone

be still all you
be at ease
your time to rest has come
so rest now
nothing need to be worried

Luna is here to watch all of you
all of you in this blessed zone
be at peace
and let your guardians
take a little rest too
with all of you

let the northern sage of water rest
in his ice fortress
free from all the worries...
let him sleep in his slumber..
till the time come for him to arise
and fight the evil force

let the southern paladin of flame sleep
in his fire castle
put out his worries
sleep in peace
for he might be needed in time
to protect this land

let the western fighter of earth repose
in his terra bunker
lay down for a little rest
restore his energy back
till the time is come
for him to fight for justice

let the eastern hunter of wind be at ease
in his wind tower
rest with all his allies
though he still be siege
for the time
to fight with all his might

rest now

time will passed
and Helios will awaken you
he shall be your guardian
when you stand guard in your posts

time will passed
and Luna will put you to rest
and guard your posts
while you're sleeping peacefully

rest now
my guardians
let the stars
plays a lullaby for all of you
so you shall rest in peace

2:23 am
11th august 2009

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

friendship history

shall the bond break,
then this is the time...

shall the link destroyed
now is the time

friends become foe
allies become enemies

our path is differ now
though once
we had walked in the same path
but now
we go to a different road
with a little chance of crossing again

separation of the union
broken friendship

once warm
now as cold as ice

once sweet
now bitter

once soft
now as hard as solid rock

now it's just a history
of a friendship