Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009

in the land of twilight, under the moon

in the land of twilight
under the moon
we stand guard in our post

in the land of twilight
under the moon
we sing our melody
we danced our dance

in the land of twilight
under the moon
our beloved sanctuary
the palace of our dream

in the land of twilight
under the moon
we stand guard

protecting our land
protecting our princes and princesses
protecting our king and queen

in the land of twilight
under the moon

guarding in the north,
the soldier of water
embraced by the water goddess
scout of wisdom
stand guard in the ice tower
white sapphire cherry blossom
water pegasus

guarding in the south
the soldier of fire
embraced by the fire god
scout of war
stand guard in the flame tower
crimson ruby roses
flame phoenix

guarding in the east
the soldier of wind
embraced by the wind goddess
scout of friendship
stand guard in the wind tower
silver diamond morning glory
wind griffin

guarding in the west
the soldier of earth
embraced by the earth god
scout of protection
stand guard in the terra tower
golden emerald orchid
earth behemoth

in the land of twilight
under the moon
in the water oracle
the water priestess pray

in the land of twilight
under the moon
in the flame oracle
the fire priest pray

in the land of twilight
under the moon
in the wind oracle
the wind priestess pray

in the land of twilight
under the moon
in the earth oracle
the earth priest pray

for wisdom
for everlasting peace
for friendship
for protection

in the land of twilight
under the moon
we stand guard in our post
we pray in our oracle

in the land of twilight
under the moon
we sing our song
we danced our dances

in the land of twilight
under the moon
we protect our sanctuary
our dream
our light of hope

Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

restless night

restless night

night come
yet i can't close my eyes
still wide awaken

figures dancing in my mind
memories of the past
days we passed together

it now just a memory
haunt me every night
since we aparted

feel so lonely
in this cold night

this agony that repeated every night
this hollow in my heart
this pain that hurt mine

how long i must keep this sad smile
must i keep this mask on
and smile like a fool in front of you
like nothing is happened

each night
the dim memories is back
the happy yet sad memories
things that i've lost

must i keep this fake smile
must i keep smiling sadly
must i hold my tears

restless night
sleep without dream
sadly smiling
in the cold night

Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Broken chain

like a chain that is broken
withered away as time goes by
rusted till broken away

has we became the rusted chain
that can be broken anytime
the connection between us
has it becmoe as fragile as thin ice

tell us
where did we go wrong
what was happened
what mistake have we done

time passed by
and the gap grow between us
grow bigger and bigger
as time flow

like a rusted chain
that easily broken

have our link withered away
have we no more connection between us
have we became strangers to each other

after all we've been through
after all the time we spent together
after all precious moment we share together

time passed
has our friendship rusted
has it became more fragile than before

what is friendship
if time grind it away

what is brotherhood
if oneday we will be each other nemesis

will this chain stay rusted
and broken as time pass by

or will the rust gone
and the chain still linked with each other

corroded chain
rusty friendship

what will become of it?

Senin, 22 Juni 2009

more time, please...


sands in the hourglass
telling us the deadline

sands in the hourglass
tell us the time we had left

and the sand is running out


as the sands flow
so the time flies
and we are running out of it



guardian of time
help us
hear our plea
spare us from the doom

you who dwells in the timeless dimension
you who we adore in our live
your presence that we enjoyed
your oracle that flourish with people who praise you

descendand of chronos
the father of time
hear our plea to you
give us more time

you, who's in charge in the flow of time
the one who determines the future
the one that can change the past
the one that can rebuild the present

give us more time
twist the flow of time
give us a little more chance
just a little more time
a little addition in the sands of time
in our hourglass of doom
before we met the line

the time
where we should take our responsibilities

the line of finish
the place where we can relax in the end


the time is running out

o, pluto
guardian of time and dimension
hear our plea

give us more time
more time
to finish our errand
our responsibility
the task
that trusted to us
by the holy one above

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009

TwilighT AngeL

Twilight Angel

one who is given the task
the task of guarding the dusk
the beauty of dusk

the trapped time
the time between
not day
not night
the twilight

when the sun goes down
and the moon rises

the angel that is guarding the gate
guarding the border
between light and dark
between good and evil

one foot stepped on light and goodness
one foot stepped on dark and evil

the guardian of dusk
the twilight angel

the one that is trapped
between good and bad

the time when day and night fused together
in the beauty of dusk

the time when good and evil merged together
and everything became blur

angel of twilight
guarding the beauty
trapped in the perplexity

angel of twilight
the guardian of the beautiful sunset
the bringer of night light
the one who is trapped
in the beauty
in the chaos
of the merged good and evil

Senin, 15 Juni 2009

Shattered heart

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Shattered heart

With what will it be mended

How long the healing will took time

Who can mend the shattered heart

Will it have any side effect

While mending it

After it is mended

Shattered heart


Torn into pieces

Cracked open







Hollow inside





Shattered heart

Broken love symbol

Hope that is lost

Light that fade away

Sadness tears

Time passed

Collecting the pieces

Gluing them again

To revive the heart


It still fragile

It will be fragile

Fragile heart

That will be shattered again

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Four Flower of Heaven

Crimson ruby rose

White sapphire cherry-blossom

Golden emerald orchid

Silver diamond morning-glory

Four castle

Four oracles

Four fields

Of four guardians

Covered in flower

Southern field

Flourished with crimson ruby roses

Garden of the crimson castle

The blessing of fire oracle

Throne of the fire guardian

Crimson ruby rose

Blossom of courage

Northern field

Filled with white sapphire cherry-blossom

Garden of the white sapphire castle

The blessing of water oracle

Throne of the water guardian

White sapphire cherry blossom

The blooming wisdom

Eastern field

Covered with silver diamond morning-glories

Garden of the silver castle

The blessing of wind oracle

Throne of the wind guardian

Silver crystal flower

Wreath of friendship

Western field

Fully bloomed with golden emerald orchid

Garden of the golden castle

The blessing of earth oracle

Throne of the earth guardian

Golden orchid

Calyx of protection

Crimson ruby rose of flame, the blossom of courage

White sapphire cherry-blossom of water, the blooming wisdom

Silver diamond morning-glory of wind, the wreath of friendship

Golden emerald orchid of earth, calyx of protection

Four heavenly flowers, the celestial blossoms

Flowers of Zion, the corona of terra

Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

Lonely Merman

Two Mermans danced in the depth of the sea
Danced between the bubbles
Danced happily under the water
Without noticing the cold storm happened above
The rain that pour in the surface

Two Mermans that swam freely in the depth of water
Playing with each other
Playing in the serene water
Out of the rain rage
Far from the cold surface
Warm in the depth of water

Two Mermans danced gracefully in the water
Two Mermans swam elegantly in the water
Two Mermans floated freely in the water

That sweet memory
Will not be back

Now there is only one merman who dances gracefully in the water
Only one merman who swim elegantly
Only one merman who float freely
And one merman who is lonely

The other merman choose to be human
The other merman found his princess
And he became human to be with her

Now there’s only one merman
Who swim alone in the water
Will he be part of the other world
Or will he be merman all of his live

The merman who dances gracefully in the water
The merman who swim elegantly in the water
The merman who is alone now

Swimming alone in the water
Alone in the cold water
Still dances gracefully
And elegantly swim
Between the bubbles
Just a little bit lonely
No one to play with
Only himself

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2009

crimson sapphire tears

Where will the tears with no place to drop will go
Where shall i search for the hope i need
Where shall i mend my emotion
Where can i find my consolation

Tears that has no place to be dropped
Searching for consolation
That can make them vaporized to the air

Winter can’t hide this tears
Crimson sapphire tears
That are about to slide down

Emotion that is mixed up
No place to go
Kept inside
Pain... sorrow... lonely...
No place to channel them

Angel that torn his wing
Search for another angel
An angel that is nowhere to be found

Rain can’t hide this tear
Crimson sapphire tears
That are about to slide down

Trapped in the chaos of heart
Searching for consolation
Tore between pain, loneliness and sorrow
An angel with broken wing

A consolation he need
A hope he search

Lost in the abyss
Trapped in the darkness

Tears that he hold
Crimson sapphire tears
That are about to slide down

Tears that has no place to go
Trapped in agony and sorrow
Searching for consolation
Search for a light of hope
In the chaos of heart
In the mess of emotion
In loneliness

Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

only time

only time that can heal me
only time that has the answer
but time won't tell me the answer
time let me lost in this maze
this neverending maze
without any clue
that can led me to the exit

alone in this maze
searching the answer
mending my ache
aiding my wound

alone in this maze
finding my way out
lost in each dead end
searching for answer
guessing blindly in each intersection

alone in this maze
without any reference where to go
where to search
where to look

what i can see is a hedge
tall green hedge

time has the answer
time has the map
time has the cure
time won't give me that

it's not my time he said

you will find your answer
you will find the exit
you will find your cure

but not in this time

your time yet come
your time will come