Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Broken chain

like a chain that is broken
withered away as time goes by
rusted till broken away

has we became the rusted chain
that can be broken anytime
the connection between us
has it becmoe as fragile as thin ice

tell us
where did we go wrong
what was happened
what mistake have we done

time passed by
and the gap grow between us
grow bigger and bigger
as time flow

like a rusted chain
that easily broken

have our link withered away
have we no more connection between us
have we became strangers to each other

after all we've been through
after all the time we spent together
after all precious moment we share together

time passed
has our friendship rusted
has it became more fragile than before

what is friendship
if time grind it away

what is brotherhood
if oneday we will be each other nemesis

will this chain stay rusted
and broken as time pass by

or will the rust gone
and the chain still linked with each other

corroded chain
rusty friendship

what will become of it?

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